Ali Mashayekhi Family Dentistry

Ali Mashayekhi DMD

Offering professional and personalized quality oral care services to the residents of Medford and the neighboring communities.


Emergencies are promptly cared for.


Many insurance plans are accepted.


Your first visit begins with a complete medical and dental history.  This will be followed by a complete examination of your mouth.  The examination will include a periodontal screening, a screening for oral cancer, and an examination of the bite and temporomandibular joints.  

About us

We believe you will appreciate the warm and friendly manner in which we treat patients. Our commitment is to apply our dental knowledge and skills in a caring and gentle way, so you can feel at ease as we help you attain the smile you desire.

Through excellent preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry  plus technologies that make dental visits more pleasant than before – we work with you to achieve a smile that can maximize your personal health and appearance, and raise your self-esteem.

We’re also a kid friendly office, and we want you to know that we enjoy patients of all ages!

Dental care

Your dental health is important. Brushing your teeth, flossing your teeth, and using a mouthwash or dental rinse all contribute towards a healthy mouth. However, regular dental examinations and teeth cleanings are equally important for maintaining healthy strong teeth and gums. By taking care of your teeth throughout your life, you give yourself a better chance of having healthy teeth and gums well into old age.